ACDE Working papers in trade and development

Submissions should be sent to Emeritus Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala

Prema-chandra Athukorala, September 2021, The Philippines in global manufacturing value chains: A tale of arrested growth paper no. 2021/22.

Krisna Gupta, September 2021, The heterogeneous impact of tariff and non-tariff measures on total factor productivity on Indonesia firms paper no. 2021/21.

Takashi Kurosaki, Saumik Paul, Firman Witoelar, September 2021, Out of communal land: Clientelism through delegation of agricultural tenancy contracts paper no. 2021/20.

Budy P. Resosudarmo, Kimlong Chheng, September 2021, Irrigation inequality, rice farming productivity and food insecurity in rural Cambodia paper no. 2021/19.

Sulistiyo K. Ardiyono, Arianto A. Patunru, July 2021, The impact of employment protection on FDI at different stages of economic development paper no. 2021/18.

Andree Surianta, Arianto A. Patunru, July 2021, Repositioning Indonesia in the post-COVID-19 global value chains paper no. 2021/17.

Stephen Grenville, July 2021, The International Monetary Fund and capital flows paper no. 2021/16.

Wishnu Mahraddika, July 2021, How effective is capital flow management? The Indonesian experience paper no. 2021/15.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, June 2021, Rethinking Sri Lanka’s industrialisation strategy: Achievements, lost opportunities and prospects paper no. 2021/14.

Kimie Harada, Shuhei Nishitateno, April 2021, Measuring trade creation effects of free trade agreements: Evidence from wine trade in East Asia paper no. 2021/13.

Glyn Wittwer, Kym Anderson, April 2021, COVID-19 and global beverage markets: Implications for wine paper no. 2021/12.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Hal Hill, Sisira Jayasuriya, March 2021, Economist as public intellectual: Max Corden’s journey through life paper no. 2021/11.

Wannaphong Durongkaveroj, March 2021, Structural transformation and inequality: Does trade openness matter? paper no. 2021/10.

Peter Warr, March 2021, How Krugman forgot agriculture and misread the sources of Asia’s growth paper no. 2021/09.

Peter Warr, Arief Anshory Yusuf, March 2021, Pandemic-induced de-urbanisation in Indonesia paper no. 2021/08.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, March 2021, Asian economic development: A primer paper no. 2021/07.

Nurina Merdikawati, Sarah Xue Dong, March 2021, Labour regulation shift and labour intensive manufacturing paper no. 2021/06.

Sarah Xue Dong, Dewi Meisari, Banu Rinaldi, March 2021, Out of the shadow: Encouraging online registration of micro and small businesses through a randomized controlled trial paper no. 2021/05.

Erika Deserranno, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Firman Witoelar, March 2021, When transparency fails: Financial incentives for local banking agents in Indonesia paper no. 2021/04.

Hai Thanh Nguyen, February 2021, Intersectoral linkages and imports of Vietnam: An input-output approach paper no. 2021/03.


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