ACDE Working papers in trade and development

Submissions should be sent to Emeritus Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala

Rohan Best, February 2017, Switching towards coal or renewable energy? The effects of financial capital on energy transitions paper no. 2017/02.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, February 2017, Global productions sharing and local entrepreneurship in developing countries: Evidence from Penang export hub, Malaysia paper no. 2017/01.

Selwyn Cornish, Raghbendra Jha, November 2016, Trevor Swan and Indian planning: The lessons of 1958/59 paper no. 2016/19.

Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin, Ilmiawan Auwalin, Anis Chowdhury, November 2016, Revitalizing Indonesia’s manufacturing: the productivity conundrum paper no. 2016/20.

Kym Anderson, October 2016, Sectoral trends and shocks in Australia’s economic growth paper no. 2016/18.

Ian Coxhead, Rashesh Shrestha, October 2016, Globalization and school-work choices in an emerging economy: Vietnam paper no. 2016/17.

Blane D. Lewis, September 2016, Legislature Size, Local Government Spending, and Public Service Access in Indonesia paper no. 2016/16.

Ivan Gonzalez, Budy P Resosudarmo, September 2016, A sectoral growth-income inequality nexus in Indonesia paper no. 2016/15.

Paul J Burke, Hewen Yang, August 2016, The price and income elasticities of natural gas demand: International evidence paper no. 2016/14.

Santanu Gupta, Raghbendra Jha, June 2016, Democracy, redistribution and optimal tax structures paper no. 2016/13.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, John Ravenhill, June 2016, China’s evolving role in global production networks: the decoupling debate revisited paper no. 2016/12.

Anis Chowdhury, June 2016, Financing poverty eradication paper no. 2016/11.

Chris Murphy, May 2016, The effects on consumer welfare of a corporate tax cut paper no. 2016/10.

Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal, May 2016, Economic growth and income inequality: asymmetric response of top income shares to growth volatility paper no. 2016/09.

Budy P. Resosudarmo, Acram Latiph, Saran Sarntisart, Isra Sarntisart, April 2016, Development in Southeast Asia’s lagging Regions paper no. 2016/08.

Kym Anderson, April 2016, National and global price- and trade-distorting policies paper no. 2016/07.

Kym Anderson, Joseph Francois, Douglas Nelson, Glyn Wittwer, April 2016, Intra-industry trade in a rapidly globalizing industry: the case of wine paper no. 2016/06.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Tala Talgaswatta, Omer Majeed, April 2016, Global production sharing: exploring Australia’s competitive edge paper no. 2016/05.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, C. Veeramani, April 2016, Internationalization of Indian enterprises: patterns, determinants and policy issues paper no. 2016/04.

W Max Corden, Sisira Jayasuriya, March 2016, The Japanese macroeconomic mystery paper no. 2016/03.


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