ACDE Working papers in trade and development

Submissions should be sent to Emeritus Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala

K K Tang, November 1998, Property markets and policies in an intertemporal general equilibrium model paper no. 1999/01.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Robert Shackleton, Peter J Wilcoxen, October 1998, The potential effects of international carbon emissions permit trading paper no. 1998/09.

Warwick J. McKibbin, K K Tang, September 1998, The global economic impacts of trade and financial reform in China paper no. 1998/08.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Will Martin, September 1998, The East Asian crisis: Investigating causes and policy responses paper no. 1998/06.

W. Max Corden, Neil Vousden, February 1998, Paved with good intentions: Social dumping and raising labour standards in developing countries paper no. 1998/03.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Satish Chand, February 1998, Trade orientation and productivity gains from international production: A study of overseas operations of US multinationals paper no. 1998/02.

M. Govinda Rao, February 1998, Invisible transfers in Indian federalism paper no. 1998/01.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Peter J Wilcoxen, January 1997, Macroeconomic volatility in general equilibrium paper no. 1997/01.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Kunal Sen, January 1996, Processed food exports from developing countries: patterns and determinants paper no. 1996/14.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Bambang H Santosa, January 1996, Gains from export growth: Do linkages matter? paper no. 1996/13.

Chris Manning, January 1996, Regional labor markets during deregulation in Indonesia : have the Outer Islands been left behind? paper no. 1996/12.

Satish Chand, Kunal Sen, January 1996, Trade liberalization and productivity growth: Evidence from Indian manufacturing paper no. 1996/11.

Peter G. Warr, Frances J. Wollmer, January 1996, The international demand for Thailand's rice exports paper no. 1996/10.

Xin Meng, Frances Perkins, January 1996, Behavioural differences among Chinese firms from the perspective of earnings determination paper no. 1996/09.

Cezary A Kapuscinski, Peter Warr, January 1996, Estimation of Armington elasticities: An application to the Philippines paper no. 1996/08.

Ross H. McLeod, January 1996, Control and competition: Banking deregulation and re-regulation in Indonesia paper no. 1996/07.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Kunal Sen, January 1996, Reforms and investment in India paper no. 1996/06.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Jayant Menon, January 1996, Export-led industrialisation, employment and equity: The Malaysian case paper no. 1996/05.

Colin Barlow, January 1996, Growth, structural change and plantation tree crops: The case of rubber paper no. 1996/04.

Peter G. Warr, Helal Ahammad, January 1996, Food aid, food policy and the Uruguay Round: Implications for Bangladesh paper no. 1996/03.


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