ACDE Working papers in trade and development
Submissions should be sent to Emeritus Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala
Kym Anderson, May 2020, Evolving from a rum state: Australia’s alcohol consumption paper no. 2020/11.
Kym Anderson, May 2020, Trade protectionism in Australia: its growth and dismantling paper no. 2020/10.
Hal Hill, Jayant Menon, May 2020, Economic corridors in Southeast Asia: Analytical framework, development Impacts, and policy paper no. 2020/09.
Deasy D.P. Pane, Arianto A. Patunru, May 2020, The role of imported inputs in firms’ productivity and exports paper no. 2020/08.
Wishnu Mahraddika, May 2020, Real exchange rate misalignment in developing countries: the role of exchange rate flexibility and capital account openness paper no. 2020/07.
Lwin Lwin Aung, Peter Warr, May 2020, Explaining changes in inequality: Myanmar, 2005 to 2010 paper no. 2020/06.
Glyn Wittwer, Kym Anderson, February 2020, A model of global beverage markets paper no. 2020/05.
Kym Anderson, February 2020, Asia’s emergence in global beverage markets: The rise of wine paper no. 2020/04.
Deasy D.P. Pane, Arianto A. Patunru, February 2020, Learning by exporting: the role of competition paper no. 2020/03.
Prema-chandra Athukorala, January 2020, Trump’s trade war: An Indian perspective paper no. 2020/02.
Sisira Jayasuriya, I Wayan Sukadana, Chris Manning, Luh Gede Meydianawathi, January 2020, The tourism boom in Bali: Is it harming prospects for long-term economic growth? paper no. 2020/01.
Peter Warr, December 2019, Poverty and inequality in Myanmar, 2005 to 2017 paper no. 2019/10.
Peter Warr, December 2019, Urbanisation and the demand for food paper no. 2019/09.
Anna T. Falentina, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Danang Darmawan, Eny Sulistyaningrum, June 2019, Digitalization and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta, Indonesia paper no. 2019/08.
Russell Thomson, Prema-chandra Athukorala, May 2019, Global production networks and the evolution of industrial capabilities: Does production sharing warp the Product Space? paper no. 2019/07.
Prema-chandra Athukorala , Arianto A. Patunru, May 2019, Domestic value added, exports and employment: An input-output analysis of Indonesian manufacturing paper no. 2019/06.
Deasy D.P. Pane , Arianto A. Patunru, May 2019, Does export performance improve firm performance? Evidence from Indonesia paper no. 2019/05.
Rus’an Nasrudin, Budy P. Resosudarmo, May 2019, Assimilation of rural-urban migrants under a less restrictive internal migration policy: Evidence from Indonesia paper no. 2019/04.
Arianto A. Patunru, Prema-chandra Athukorala, March 2019, Measuring trade in value added: How valid is the proportionality assumption? paper no. 2019/03.
Wishnu Mahraddika, March 2019, Does international reserve accumulation crowd out domestic private investment? paper no. 2019/02.
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