ACDE Working papers in trade and development

Submissions should be sent to Emeritus Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala

Santanu Gupta, Raghbendra Jha, February 2016, Democracy and redistribution paper no. 2016/02.

Raghbendra Jha, Sadia Afrin, January 2016, Pattern and determinants of structural transformation in Africa paper no. 2016/01.

Peter Warr, Jayant Menon, September 2015, Cambodia’s special economic zones paper no. 2015/14.

Peter Warr, Sitthiroth Rasphone, Jayant Menon, September 2015, Two decades of declining poverty despite rising inequality in Laos paper no. 2015/13.

Ryan Edwards, August 2015, Is plantation agriculture good for the poor? Evidence from Indonesia’s palm oil expansion paper no. 2015/12.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Kunal Sen, July 2015, Industrialisation, employment and poverty paper no. 2015/11.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Sisira Jayasuriya, June 2015, Victory in war and defeat in peace: politics and economics of post-conflict Sri Lanka paper no. 2015/10.

Kym Anderson, Anna Strutt, April 2015, Impacts of emerging Asia on African and Latin American trade: projections to 2030 paper no. 2015/09.

Satoshi Yamazaki, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Wardis Girsang, Eriko Hoshino, April 2015, Intra- and inter-village conflict in rural coastal communities in Indonesia: The case of the Kei Islands paper no. 2015/08.

Kym Anderson, Glyn Wittwer, April 2015, Asia’s evolving role in global wine markets paper no. 2015/07.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Zheng Wei, April 2015, Economic transition and labour market dynamics in China: an interpretative survey of the ‘turning point’ debate paper no. 2015/06.

Ramesh C. Paudel, Paul J. Burke, April 2015, Exchange rate policy and export performance in a landlocked developing country: the case of Nepal paper no. 2015/05.

Marcel Schroder, February 2015, Mercantilism and China’s hunger for international reserves paper no. 2015/04.

Marcel Schroder, February 2015, Valuation effects, risk sharing, and consumption smoothing paper no. 2015/03.

Piyasiri Wickramasekara, January 2015, Mainstreaming migration in development agendas: assessment of South Asian countries paper no. 2015/02.

Hom M Pant, January 2015, A generic approach to investment modelling in recursive dynamic CGE models paper no. 2015/01.

Ramesh C. Paudel, December 2014, Export performance in developing countries: a comparative perspective paper no. 2014/26.

Fahad Hassan Khan, November 2014, From revenues to Democracy? paper no. 2014/25.

Ditya A. Nurdianto, Budy P. Resosudarmo, November 2014, ASEAN economic community and climate change paper no. 2014/24.

Jayanthi Thennakoon, Kym Anderson, October 2014, Could the proposed WTO special safeguard mechanism protect farmers from low international prices? paper no. 2014/23.


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