Past events
Inequality or poverty: which is bad for growth?
Robert Breunig discusses how poverty and inequality interact to influence economic growth.
The substitution elasticity, factor shares, long-run growth, and the low-frequency panel model
Debdulal Mallick takes a new look at labour/capital substitution and the secular decline in the labour share of income.
Intangible investment and sectoral energy intensity: international evidence
Shenglang Yang shares his PhD findings on intangible investment and energy intensity.
The political economy of discretionary central government grants for infrastructure: empirical evidence from Indonesia
Günther Schulze discusses the influence of needs and political factors in determining the allocation of infrastructure grants to local governments in Indonesia.
Explaining gaps in child education outcomes between the ethnic majority and minorities in Vietnam
Nguyen Hieu presents her findings on ethnic inequality in educational outcomes in Vietnam.
The 15th HW Arndt Memorial Lecture - How to do reform in a ‘second-best world’: the case of Indonesia
Dr Muhamad Chatib Basri discusses how effective reform can be implemented given institutional and political constraints in Indonesia.
Stagnation of female labour force participation in Indonesia: an age and cohort analysis
Diana Contreras Suarez examines the main drivers of female labour force participation in Indonesia.
Indonesia Update 2016 - Digital Indonesia: challenges and opportunities of the digital revolution
This year’s Update features experts from Australia, Indonesia and around the world who are researching the impacts of digital technologies.
Pakistan’s economic and public policy challenges
Professor Imran Ali provides a composite analysis of Pakistan’s economic performance and prospects.
Irrigation, productivity, and household food security among rice farmers in rural Cambodia
Kimlong Chheng shares his PhD work on food security issues in Cambodia.
Updated: 16 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team