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Jeff Bennett

Emeritus Professor, Arndt Corden Department of Economics



Contact details

2012- 2017

Wang, X., J. Bennett, J. Xu and H. Zhang (2012). ‘An auction scheme for land use change in Sichuan Province, China’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55(10): 1269-1288.

Mwebaze, P. and J. Bennett (2012). ‘Valuing Australian botanic collections: A combined travel-cost and contingent valuation study’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 56(4): 498–520.

Li, R., J. Bennett and X. Wang (2012). ‘Predicting environmental impacts for assessing land use change options in Sichuan Province, China, Land Use Policy, 30(1): 784-790.

Gillespie, R. and J. Bennett (2012). ‘Valuing the Environmental, Cultural and Social Impacts of Open Cut Coal Mining in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia’. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1(3): 276-288.

Akter, S., J. Bennett and M. Ward (2012). ‘Climate change scepticism and public support for mitigation: Evidence from an Australian choice experiment’, Global Environmental Change, 22(3): 736-745.

Bennett, J, T. Kelley and M. Maredia (2012). ‘ Integration of environmental impacts into ex-post assessments of international agricultural research: Conceptual issues, applications, and the way forward, Research Evaluation, 21(3): 216-228.

Greyling, T. and J. Bennett (2012). ‘Assessing environmental protection investments in New South Wales catchments’, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 19(4): 255-271.

Bennett, J. (2012). ‘Looking Behind the Green Façade’, Policy, 28(3): 30-33.

Coggan, A., E. Buitelaar, S. Whitten and J. Bennett (2012). ‘Intermediaries in environmental offset markets: Actions and incentives’, Land Use Policy, 32: 145-154.

Ofei-Mensah, A. and J. Bennett (2013). ‘Transaction costs of alternative greenhouse gas policies in the Australian transport energy use’, Ecological Economics, 88: 214-221.

Amalia, M, B. Resosudarmo and J. Bennett (2013). ‘The consequences of urban air pollution for child health: What does self-reporting data in the Jakarta metropolitan area reveal?’, Masyarakat Indonesia: Majalah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Indonesia, 39(2): 527-549.

Coggan, A., E. Buitelaar, J. Bennett and S. Whitten (2013). ‘Transferable Mitigation of Environmental Impacts of Development:Two cases of offsets in Australia’, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 15(2):303-322.

Gillespie, R and J. Bennett (2013). ‘Willingness to Pay for Kerbside Recycling’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56( 3): 362-377

Dobes, L., N. Weber, J. Bennett and S. Ogilvy (2013). Stream-bed and Flood-plain rehabilitation at Mulloon Creek, Australia: A financial and economic perspective, The Rangelands Journal, 35: 339-348.

Scheufele, G. and J. Bennett (2013). Effects of alternative elicitation formats in discrete choice experiments, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 57: 214-233.

Dobes, L., G. Scheufele and J. Bennett (2014). Post Cyclone Emergency Services: A cost benefit analysis for Cairns, Australia, Natural Hazards, 75(1): 869-886.

Bennett, J. and S. Dudley (2014). Australia’s regulatory ‘Bonfire’, Regulation, Fall: 14-15.

Zhou, J., M. Yuan, C. Xie. X. Wang, J. Bennett, Y. Wang and W. Peng (2014). Non-Market Values of the Environmental Benefits of the Ecological Restoration Program, Forestry Economics, 10: 71-77.

Mwebaze, P and J. Bennett (2015). Valuing access to biological collections with contingent valuation and cost–benefit analysis. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 4(3): 238-258.

Gillespie, R and J. Bennett (2015). Challenges in including BCA in planning approval processes: Coal mine projects in New South Wales, Australia, Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis, 6(2): 341-368.

Bennett, J., J. Cheesman, R. Blamey and M. Kragt (2016). Estimating the non-market benefits of environmental flows in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 5(2): 236-248.

Bennett, J. B. McNair and J. Cheesman (2016). Community Preferences for Recycled Water in Sydney, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 23(1): 51-66.

Bennett, J and A. Randall (2016). Antipodean agricultural and resource economics at 60: environmental economics, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 60(4): 672–687.

Scheufele, G. and J. Bennett (2017). Can payments for ecosystem services schemes mimic markets, Ecosystem Services, 23: 30–37.

Johnston, R., K. Boyle, W. Adamowicz, J. Bennett, R. Brouwer, T. Cameron, W. Hanemann, N. Hanley, M. Ryan, R. Scarpa, R. Tourangeau and C. Vossler (2017). Contemporary Guidance for Stated Preference Studies, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 10.1086/691697

Mwebaze, P. and J. Bennett (2017). Economic valuation of the threat posed by the establishment of the Asian tiger mosquito in Australia, Environmental and Resource Economics, 10.1007/s10640-017-0158-z

Gillespie, R and J. Bennett (2017). Costs and Benefits of Rodent Eradication on Lord Howe Island, Australia, Ecological Economics,.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.05.007

Gillespie, R. D. Collins and J. Bennett (2017). Adapting the Travel Cost Method to estimate changes in recreation benefits in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, ¬Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 0.1080/14486563.2017.1354236

Bennett, J. (2017). Privatising Parks: A progress report, Policy, 33(2): 19-

Bennett, J., J. Cheesman and K. Milenkovic (2017). Prioritising environmental management investments using the Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 10.1080/21606544.2017.1405848

Pre 2012

  • Bennett, J. (2012)’Coase Rules OK: Exploring prospects for private sector environmental protection’, Economic Record.

  • with Scheufele, G. (2012) ‘Valuing ecosystem resilience’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy.

  • with Akter, S. (2012) ‘Household perceptions of climate change and preferences for mitigation action: the case of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Australia’, Climatic Change.

  • with Kragt, M. (2012) ‘Attribute Framing in Choice Experiments: How Do Attribute Level - Descriptions Affect Value Estimates?’, Environmental and Resource Economics, 51: 43-59.

  • Bennett, J. (2011) ‘The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation’, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

  • with McNair, B. and Hensher, D. (2011) ‘A comparison of responses to single and repeated discrete choice questions’, Resource and Energy Economics, 33: 554-571.

  • Bennett J. (2011) ‘Valuing Australia’s Environment’, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 18 (1): 21.

  • with Qui, Y., Jia, Y., Wang, X. and Zhou, Z. (2010) ‘Valuation of Flood Reductions in the Yellow River Basin under Land Use Change’, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136 (1): 106-115

  • with Birol, E. (2010) ‘Choice Experiments in Developing Countries’, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

  • with Rolfe, J. (2009) ‘The impact of offering Two Versus Three Alternatives in Choice Modelling Experiments’, Ecological Economics, 68:1140-48.

    • with Dobes, L. (2009) ‘Multi-Criteria Analysis: Good enough for Government Work’, Agenda, 16 (3): 7-30
  • ith Do, T.N. (2008) ‘Estimating Wetland Biodiversity Values: A choice modelling application in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta’, Environment and Development Economics, 14 (2).

  • Bennett, J. (2008) ‘Defining and Managing Environmental Flow: Inputs from Society’, Australian Economics Papers, 27 (2): 167-183.

  • with Cheesman, J. and Son, T. (2008) ‘Estimating Household demand using Revealed and Contingent Behaviours: Evidence from Vietnam’, Water Resources Research, 44, W11428, DOI:10.1029/2007WR006265.

  • with Wang, X. and Zhang, L. (2008) ‘Environmental Management in China: Land Use Management’, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

    • with Scarborough, H. (2008), ‘Estimating Intergenerational Distribution Preferences’, Ecological Economics, 66 (4): 575-583.
  • with Wang, X., Xie, C., Zhang, Z., and Liang, D. (2007) ‘Estimating non-market environmental benefits of the Conversion of Cropland to Forest and Grassland Program: A choice modelling approach’ Ecological Economics 63: 114-125.

    • with Xie C., Zhao, Z., Liang, D., Zhang, L., Dau, G., and Wang, X (2006) ‘Livelihood Impacts of the Conversion of Cropland to Forested Grassland Program’ Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 16/49(4), 555-570.
  • Bennett, J. (2005) ‘Australian Environmental Economics: contributions, conflicts and ‘cop-outs’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Vol 49(3), 243-262.

  • Bennett, J. (ed) (2005) ‘The Evolution of Markets for Water’, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton

  • with Huybers,T. (2003), ‘Environmental Management and the Competitiveness of Nature-Based Tourism Destinations’. Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 24, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 213-233.

  • with Whitten,S. (2003), ‘Duck Hunting and Wetland Conservation: Compromise and Synergy’. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. July, 2003, Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society, Ottawa.

  • Bennett, J. (2003), ‘Economics and the Environment’.The Cambridge Book of the Social Sciences in Australia, Ian McAllister, Steve Dowrick and Riaz Hasaan (ed), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 45-59.

  • Bennett, J. (2002), ‘Signalling the values of wetlands’. Australian Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 9, Environmental Institute of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 99-102.

  • with Blamey, R.; Louivere, J.; Morrison, M. (2002), ‘Choice Modelling and tests of benefit transfer’. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 84(1), 161-70.
    - with Huybers, T (2002). ‘Environmental Management and the Competitiveness of Nature-based Tourism Destinations’, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

  • with M. Morrison, R. Blamey and J. Louviere (2002). ‘Choice Modelling and tests of Benefit Transfer’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84(1): 161-170. Bennett, J (2002) ‘Investing in River Health’, Water Science and Technology, 45(11): 85-90.

  • with Blamey, R. (2001), ‘The choice modelling approach to environmental valuation’. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England, 269.

  • Bennett, J (2001) ‘Privatising Parks: whya the private sector can enhance nature protection’, Policy, 16(4): 3-8.

  • ed., with Blamey, R (2001) ‘The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation’, New Horizons in Environmental Economics Series, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham

  • with Huybers, T (2000) ‘The impact of the environment on holiday destination choices of prospective UK tourists - implications for Tropical North Queensland’, Tourism Economics, 6(1): 21-46.

  • with Rolfe, J and Louviere (2000) ‘Choice modelling and its potential application to tropical rainforest preservation’, Ecological Economics, 35: 289-302.

  • with Morrison, M (2000) ‘The economic analysis of wetland rehabilitation’, Australian Journal of Environmental Management, 6: 9-15.

  • Bennett, J (1999) ‘A Threshold Value Analysis of proposed forestry reserves’,* Australian Forestry*, 61(4): 1-8.

  • with Blamey, R.; Morrison, M. (1998), ‘Testing the Validity of Responses to Contingent and Valuation Questioning’. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 42(2), 131-48.

  • ed., with Tacconi, L (1997) Protected Area Assessment and Establishment in Vanuatu: a socio-economic approach, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra.

  • Bennett, J (ed) (1995) Tall Green Tales, Institute of Public Affairs, Perth.

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