Does paternity leave make relationships jumpy? A regression discontinuity approach

Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Event details

ACDE Seminar

Date & time

Tuesday 09 February 2016


Coombs Seminar Room A, Coombs Building 9, Fellows Road, ANU


Dr Daniel Avdic, Assistant Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen.


Sarah Dong

We study the effects of unanticipated changes in the intra-household division of parental leave on family stability by exploiting two parental leave reforms in Sweden. Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, we find that an unexpected change in the mother’s share of parental leave increases the probability of separation among couples that were married or cohabiting at the time of the reforms. Our results also suggest a lower likelihood of cohabiting couples to upgrade to marriage. Furthermore, we find some evidence that cohabiting couples react more strongly than married couples to changes in the division of parental leave, which could be driven by different costs of separation.

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