The poverty-reducing potential of agricultural land reform: evidence from Myanmar

Crawford School of Public Policy
Photo by @MICHEL on AdobeStock

Event details

ACDE Seminar

Date & time

Tuesday 11 October 2022


Weston Theatre and Online (Zoom)


Peter Warr, Australian National University

Economists studying developing countries express mixed views about the potential poverty-reducing contribution of agricultural land reform. This study uses a 2010 survey of 11,000 Myanmar households involved in agricultural production to estimate the maximum reduction of poverty that could, hypothetically, be attained from a redistributive land reform. The method first estimates the statistical relationship between household expenditure per adult equivalent and the household’s holdings of irrigated and unirrigated land, along with a large set of control variables. This estimated relationship is then used to estimate the effects that hypothetical redistributions of land holdings would have on the distribution of expenditures.

This event will be hosted as a hybrid event.

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team