Are government-linked corporations crowding out private investment in Malaysia?

Author name: 
Jayant Menon
Thiam Hee Ng

Private investment in Malaysia has been sluggish since the Asian financial crisis. One explanation is that the growing presence of government-linked corporations (GLCs) has been crowding out private investment. For the first time, we provide empirical evidence on the relationship between GLC presence and private investment. We find that when GLCs are dominant in an industry, investment by private firms is significantly negatively impacted. Conversely, when GLCs do not dominate an industry, the impact on private investment is not seen. Sensitivity tests associated with varying the level of the threshold used to determine dominance confirm the robustness of the results. To revive private investment in Malaysia, government must not only redress its growing fiscal deficit, but also expedite its program of divestment.

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Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team