India’s response to COVID-19 crisis
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has presented India with complex economic and public health challenges. Furthermore, these two crises interact with each other in complex ways whence there is considerable uncertainty in designing a policy response. This paper purports to place India’s experience with the corona virus in the international context and to examine the public health and economic challenges as well as prospects in a post-COVID world. The paper lists key dates in the development of this pandemic in India and globally. It then compares the development of the pandemic in India until 30 June, 2020 with that in some key countries. We then outline the economic and health strategy followed in India to combat the crisis. We also discuss some consequences of the pandemic and elements of India’s recovery strategy. We also assess elements of India’s recovery and prospects for the Indian economy. Finally the paper discusses prospects for the Indian economy in the short run.
Updated: 16 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team