Crawford Indonesia expert receives Australia Day honours

31 January 2019

Dr Peter McCawley, economist and Visiting Fellow at Crawford School, has been appointed as Member of the Order of Australia.

Dr McCawley, who completed his PhD in economics at ANU in 1972, was acknowledged for significant service to the Asia-Pacific region through economic advisory roles.

Specialising in economics in Indonesia and Asia more broadly, Dr McCawley was Head of the Indonesia Project at ANU between 1980 and 1985. He has also held roles in USAID, the Indonesian government, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

Dr McCawley expressed hope this award would highlight the importance of Australia’s engagement with the Asia Pacific.

“I see the award as, hopefully, recognition of the value to Australia of the work on Asia carried out in universities and within government,” he said.

“Many scholars at the ANU and other Australian universities, over many years, have worked in the Asia-Pacific region. It is encouraging, I hope, for younger scholars if there is public recognition of the importance of professional involvement with our colleagues, and with institutions, in our nearby region.”

Read more about all ANU recipients of Australia Day 2019 Honours.

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