Past events

Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | PhD Seminar (Econ)

Sectoral stagnation and the yen

Luke Meehan, PhD scholar, Crawford School, ANU.

In this seminar Luke Meehan will analyse why Japanese economic growth now appears service-sector driven.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | PhD Seminar (Econ)

Middle class, inequality and economic development

Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal, PhD scholar, Crawford School, ANU.

In this seminar Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal will discuss the relationship between economic growth and the size of middle class.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | PhD Seminar (Econ)

How income and education influence obesity risk in China

Dung Doan, PhD scholar, Crawford School, ANU.

In this seminar Dung Doan will investigate how household income and education attainment influence the Body-Mass Index (BMI) and the probability of obesity among Chinese adults, using the China Health and Nutrition Survey 2004-2009.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

Food insecurity and food prices

Professor Peter Warr, Crawford School, ANU.

Per capita availability of food and reductions in real food prices are very strongly associated with reductions in undernourishment and poverty incidence. Professor Peter Warr explains why.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

Decentralization, indirect tax reform and fiscal federalism in India

Professor Raghbendra Jha, Crawford School, ANU

Professor Jha discusses the fiscal federalism in India. He argues for review and recalibration of the entire federal relations to ensure high economic growth.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

Institutional settings and value adding in Indonesian mining: past and present

Dr Pierre van der Eng, Crawford School, ANU.

Indonesia, in an attempt to push domestic value adding, has recently put a ban on export of unprocessed minerals. Dr van der Eng reviews past experiences to shed light on this issue.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

Using occam’s razor to assess the dynamics of comparative advantage

Professor James Riedel, Johns Hopkins University.

Professor James Riedel will discuss his paper which uses product-level data to analyse how comparative advantage evolves as per capita income rises in a sample of twenty relatively rapidly growing countries.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

Deposit-only liability insurance in a country with weak rule of law: a case of Indonesia

Dr Andrew Schmulow, University of Melbourne.

In this seminar Dr Schmulow argues that traditional banking regulatory enforcement will not work where rule of law is weak. If Indonesia were to lose a bank, particularly a major bank, it would again face a financial crisis. To avoid that, he proposes a deposit-only liability insurance.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | PhD Seminar (Econ)

Remittances and economic growth: a multi-country analysis

Rajan Panta, PhD scholar, Crawford School.

In this seminar Rajan Panta will discuss the impact of remittances on long-term economic development of the receiving countries. The specifications of the growth equation and the econometric methodology of the paper systematically draw on the recent development in the empirical growth literature with a view to overcoming the limitations of the existing studies.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Arndt-Corden Department of Economics | ACDE Seminar

The employment effects of terminating disability benefits

Dr Timothy J Moore, George Washington University and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Dr Timothy Moore discusses the employment effects of disability benefits termination and draws some lessons for reforms of the disability insurance program.

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Updated:  13 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team