Paul Burke
Professor; Head, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics; Deputy Director, Crawford School of Public Policy
BAgrEc (Hons I; Sydney), PhD (ANU)
Key publications
Nishitateno, Shuhei, Burke, Paul J. and Arimura, Toshi H. 2024. Road traffic flow and air pollution concentrations: evidence from Japan. International Journal of Economic Policy Studies 18, 357–385.
media | data and Stata do fileNishitateno, Shuhei and Burke, Paul J. 2024. Effects of low emission zones on air quality, new vehicle registrations, and birthweights: Evidence from Japan. Environmental and Resource Economics 87, 1955–1992.
Do, Thang Nam and Burke, Paul J. 2024. Phasing out coal power in two major Southeast Asian thermal coal economies: Indonesia and Vietnam. Energy for Sustainable Development 80, 101451.
Zhang, Tong, Burke, Paul J. and Wang, Qi. 2024. Effectiveness of electric vehicle subsidies in China: A three-dimensional panel study. Resource and Energy Economics 76, 101424.
Burke, Paul J. and Hill, Hal. 2024. Raghbendra Jha, 1953–2023: A leading scholar on India’s economy. Economic and Political Weekly 59(3): 34–35.
open accessBurke, Paul J. 2024. Comment on “Implications of deglobalization on energy and carbon neutrality in Asia and the Pacific region”. Asian Economic Policy Review 19(1), 125–126.
Rospriandana, Naufal, Burke, Paul J., Suryani, Amalia, Mubarok, M. Husni and Pangestu, Miranda A. 2023. Over a century of small hydropower projects in Indonesia: A historical review. Energy, Sustainability and Society 13, 30.
Do, Thang Nam, Burke, Paul J. and Lu, Bin. 2023. Harnessing solar and wind for sustainable cross-border electricity trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11, 1188335.
Hammerle, Mara and Burke, Paul J. 2023. Reverse cycle air-conditioners and wellbeing outcomes: An analysis of Australian Capital Territory public housing. Energy and Buildings 293, 113185.
Stata do fileDo, Thang Nam and Burke, Paul J. 2023. Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade? Asia Pacific Viewpoint 64(1), 110–125.
mediaDo, Thang Nam and Burke, Paul J. 2023. Phasing out coal power in a developing country context: Insights from Vietnam. Energy Policy 176, 113512.
Liao, Hua, Zhang, Chen, Burke, Paul J., Li, Ru and Wei, Yi-Ming. 2023. Extreme temperatures, mortality, and adaptation: Evidence from the county level in China. Health Economics 32(4),953–969.
Stata do fileBurke, Paul J. 2023. On the way out: Government revenues from fossil fuels in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 67(1), 1–17.
Zhu, Lin, Liao, Hua and Burke, Paul J. 2023. Household fuel transitions have substantially contributed to child mortality reductions in China. World Development 164, 106174.
Stata do fileBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2023. Small-scale solar panel adoption by the non-residential sector: The effects of national and targeted policies in Australia. Economic Modelling 120, 106164.
open access | data and Stata do file
Hammerle, Mara and Burke, Paul J. 2022. Solar PV and energy poverty in Australia’s residential sector. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66(4), 822–841.
Stata do fileTeng, Meixuan, Liao, Hua, Burke, Paul J., Chen, Tianqi and Zhang, Chen. 2022. Adaptive responses: The effects of temperature levels on residential electricity use in China. Climatic Change 172, 32.
Stata do fileDo, Thang Nam, Burke, Paul J., Hughes, Llewelyn, Thi, Ta Dinh. 2022. Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam. Marine Policy 141, 105080.
mediaBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2022. Effects of renting on household energy expenditure: Evidence from Australia. Energy Policy 166, 113022.
media | open access | Stata do fileHammerle, Mara and Burke, Paul J. 2022. From natural gas to electric appliances: Energy use and emissions implications in Australian homes. Energy Economics 110, 106050.
Stata do fileBurke, Paul J., Beck, Fiona J., Aisbett, Emma, Baldwin, Kenneth G.H., Stocks, Matthew, Pye, John, Venkataraman, Mahesh, Hunt, Janet, and Bai, Xuemei. 2022. Contributing to regional decarbonization: Australia’s potential to supply zero-carbon commodities to the Asia-Pacific. Energy 248, 123563.
open access | media | presentationZhang, Tong and Burke, Paul J. 2022. The effect of gasoline prices on suburban housing values in China. China Economic Review 72, 101762.
open access | data and Stata do file
Do, Thang Nam and Burke, Paul J. 2021. Carbon pricing in Vietnam: Options for adoption. Energy and Climate Change 2, 100058.
open access | mediaDo, Thang Nam, Burke, Paul J., Nguyen, Hoang Nam, Overland, Indra, Suryadi, Beni, Swandaru, Akbar, and Yurnaidi, Zulfikar. 2021. Vietnam’s solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries. Energy for Sustainable Development 65, 1–11.
Policy BriefZhang, Tong and Burke, Paul J. 2021. Fuel prices and road deaths: Motorcyclists are different. Accident Analysis and Prevention 162, 106396.
open access | data and Stata do fileBest, Rohan, Burke, Paul J., and Nishitateno, Shuhei. 2021. Factors affecting renters’ electricity use: More than split incentives. The Energy Journal 42(5), 1–18.
open access | data and Stata do fileBest, Rohan, Burke, Paul J., Nepal, Rabindra, and Reynolds, Zac. 2021. Effects of rooftop solar on housing prices in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 65(3), 493–511.
open access | Stata do fileNishitateno, Shuhei and Burke, Paul J. 2021. Willingness to pay for clean air: Evidence from diesel vehicle registration restrictions in Japan. Regional Science and Urban Economics 88, 103657.
open access | data and Stata do fileBurke, Paul J. and Do, Thang N. 2021. Greening Asia’s economic development. Asian Economic Policy Review 16(1), 22–39.
open access
Zhang, Tong and Burke, Paul J. 2020. The effect of fuel prices on traffic flows: Evidence from New South Wales. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 141, 502–522.
open access | data and Stata do fileBest, Rohan, Burke, Paul J., and Jotzo, Frank. 2020. Carbon pricing efficacy: Cross-country evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics 77(1), 69–94.
open access | data and Stata do file | mediaBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2020. Energy mix persistence and the effect of carbon pricing. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64(3), 555–574.
open access | data and Stata do fileDo, Thang Nam, Burke, Paul J., Baldwin, Kenneth G.H., and Nguyen, Chinh T. 2020. Underlying drivers and barriers for solar photovoltaics diffusion: The case of Vietnam. Energy Policy 144, 111561.
open access (PDF) mediaNishitateno, Shuhei and Burke, Paul J. 2020. Have vehicle registration restrictions improved urban air quality in Japan? Contemporary Economic Policy 38(3), 448–459.
open access | media | data and Stata do file
Best, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2019. Is there regional lock-in of unemployment rates in Australia? Australian Journal of Labour Economics 22(2), 93–116.
data and Stata do file | mediaBest, Rohan, Burke, Paul J., and Nishitateno, Shuhei. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of Australia’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme for rooftop solar. Energy Economics 84, 104475.
open access | presentation | data and Stata do fileBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2019. Factors contributing to energy-related financial stress in Australia. Economic Record 95(311), 462–479.
Stata do fileBurke, Paul J. and Siyaranamual, Martin D. 2019. No one left behind in Indonesia? Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 55(3), 269–293.
presentationBest, Rohan, Burke, Paul J., and Nishitateno, Shuhei. 2019. Understanding the determinants of rooftop solar installation: Evidence from household surveys in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63(4), 922–939.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J., Widnyana, Jinnie, Anjum, Zeba, Aisbett, Emma, Resosudarmo, Budy, and Baldwin, Kenneth G.H. 2019. Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy adoption in two Asian giants: India and Indonesia. Energy Policy 132, 1216–1228.
open access (PDF) | presentation | mediaBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2019. Fuel prices and road accident outcomes in New Zealand. New Zealand Economic Papers 53(2), 109–124.
data and Stata do file | open accessBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2019. Macroeconomic impacts of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Empirical Economics 56(5), 1647–1681.
data and Stata do file | open accessTeng, Meixuan, Burke, Paul J., and Liao, Hua. 2019. The demand for coal among China’s rural households: Estimates of price and income elasticities. Energy Economics 80, 928–936.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J., Best, Rohan, and Jotzo, Frank. 2019. Closures of coal‐fired power stations in Australia: Local unemployment effects. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 62(1), 142–165.
data and Stata do file | open access | media
Burke Paul J., Stern, David I., and Bruns, Stephan B. 2018. The impact of electricity on economic development: A macroeconomic perspective. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 12(1), 85–127.
open access | blogBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2018. Electricity availability: A precondition for faster economic growth? Energy Economics 74, 321–329.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J. and Teame, Ataklti. 2018. Fuel prices and road deaths in Australia. Economic Papers 37(2), 146–161.
data and Stata do file) | open access | blogBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2018. Adoption of solar and wind energy: The roles of carbon pricing and aggregate policy support. Energy Policy 118, 404–417.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J. 2018. Metal footprint linked to economy. Nature Geoscience 11, 224–225.
Burke, Paul J. and Kurniawati, Sandra. 2018. Electricity subsidy reform in Indonesia: Demand-side effects on electricity use. Energy Policy 116, 410–421.
data and Stata do file open access | media | presentationBurke, Paul J. and Abayasekara, Ashani. 2018. The price elasticity of electricity demand in the United States: A three-dimensional analysis. The Energy Journal 39(2), 123–145.
data and Stata do file | open access
Stern, David I., Gerlagh, Reyer, and Burke, Paul J. 2017. Modeling the emissions-income relationship using long-run growth rates. Environment and Development Economics 22(6), 699–724.
data and RATS code | open access | blogBurke, Paul J., Batsuuri, Tsendsuren, and Yudhistira, Muhammad Halley. 2017. Easing the traffic: The effects of Indonesia’s fuel subsidy reforms on toll-road travel. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 105, 167–180.
data and Stata do file | open access | mediaBest, Rohan and Burke, Paul J. 2017. The importance of government effectiveness for transitions toward greater electrification in developing countries. Energies 10(9), 1247.
data and Stata do file
Burke, Paul J. and Yang, Hewen. 2016. The price and income elasticities of natural gas demand: International evidence. Energy Economics 59, 466–474.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J. 2016. Undermined by adverse selection: Australia’s Direct Action abatement subsidies. Economic Papers 35(3), 216–229.
open access | mediaBurke, Paul J. and Csereklyei, Zsuzsanna. 2016. Understanding the energy-GDP elasticity: A sectoral approach. Energy Economics 58, 199–210.
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Burke, Paul J. and Liao, Hua. 2015. Is the price elasticity of demand for coal in China increasing? China Economic Review 36, 309–322.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J., Shahiduzzaman, Md, and Stern, David I. 2015. Carbon dioxide emissions in the short run: The rate and sources of economic growth matter. Global Environmental Change 33, 109–121.
data and Stata do file | open access | blogGao, Yi-Xuan, Liao, Hua, Burke, Paul J., and Wei, Yi-Ming. 2015. Road transport energy consumption in the G7 and BRICS: 1973–2010. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 38(4-5-6), 342–356.
open accessBurke, Paul J. and Nishitateno, Shuhei. 2015. Gasoline prices and road fatalities: International evidence. Economic Inquiry 53(3), 1437–1450.
data and Stata do file | open access | media | presentationPaudel, Ramesh C. and Burke, Paul J. 2015. Exchange rate policy and export performance in a landlocked developing country: The case of Nepal. Journal of Asian Economics 38, 55–63.
data and Stata do file | open accessBurke, Paul J. and Dundas, Guy. 2015. Female labor force participation and household dependence on biomass energy: Evidence from national longitudinal dat.. World Development 67, 424–437.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (499KB) | media
Burke, Paul J. 2014. Green pricing in the Asia Pacific: An idea whose time has come? Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 1(3), 561–575.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (81KB)Pezzey, John C.V. and Burke, Paul J. 2014. Towards a more inclusive and precautionary indicator of global sustainability. Ecological Economics 106, 141–154.
open access | mediaNishitateno, Shuhei and Burke, Paul J. 2014. The motorcycle Kuznets curve. Journal of Transport Geography 36, 116–123.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (632KB) | open access
Burke, Paul J. 2013. The national-level energy ladder and its carbon implications. Environment and Development Economics 18(4), 484–503.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (765KB) | open accessBurke, Paul J. and Nishitateno, Shuhei. 2013. Gasoline prices, gasoline consumption, and new-vehicle fuel economy: Evidence for a large sample of countries. Energy Economics 36, 363–370.
data and Stata do file | open access | mediaJayasuriya, Dinuk S. and Burke, Paul J. 2013. Female parliamentarians and economic growth: Evidence from a large panel. Applied Economics Letters 20(3), 304–307.
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Burke, Paul J. and Resosudarmo, Budy P. 2012. Survey of recent developments. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 48(3), 299–324.
media | presentationBurke, Paul J. 2012. Climbing the electricity ladder generates carbon Kuznets curve downturns. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 56(2), 260–279.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (313KB) | open accessJotzo, Frank, Burke, Paul J., Wood, Peter J., Macintosh, Andrew, and Stern, David I. 2012. Decomposing the 2010 global carbon dioxide emissions rebound. Nature Climate Change 2(4), 213–214.
mediaBurke, Paul J. 2012. Economic growth and political survival. B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 12(1), 1–43.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (1401KB) | open access
Burke, Paul J. and Leigh, Andrew. 2010. Do output contractions trigger democratic change? American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2(4), 124–157.
web appendix | data and Stata do file, ZIP (936KB) | open accessBurke, Paul J. 2010. Income, resources, and electricity mix. Energy Economics 32(3), 616–626.
data and Stata do file, ZIP (213KB) | open access
- Burke, Paul J. and Ahmadi-Esfahani, Fredoun Z. 2006. Aid and growth: A study of South East Asia. Journal of Asian Economics 17(2), 350–362.
data and SHAZAM command file, ZIP (4KB)
- McCarty, Adam and Burke, Paul. 2005. Burma/Myanmar: Reconciliation without capitulation. Harvard Asia Pacific Review 8(1), 28–32.
Book reviews
Burke, Paul J. 2022. Book review: Climate Crisis Economics, Stuart P.M. Mackintosh, Routledge, London and New York, 2022. Economic Record 98(321), 232–233.
Burke, Paul J. 2019. Book review: Fiscal Policies for Development and Climate Action, Miria A. Pigato (ed), World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 55(2), 263–264.
Burke, Paul J. 2015. Book review: The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia’s Environmental Emergency, Mark L. Clifford, Columbia Business School Publishing, New York, 2015. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 29(2), 97–98.
Burke, Paul J. 2012. Book review: One Goal, Two Paths: Achieving Universal Access to Modern Energy in East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank, Washington, DC, 2011. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 26(2), 167–168.
Burke, Paul J. 2011. Book review: The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium, World Bank, Washington, DC, 2011. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 47(2), 286–288.
Burke, Paul and McCarty, Adam. 2005. Book review: Economic Growth, Poverty, and Household Welfare in Vietnam, Glewwe, Paul, Agrawal, Nisha, and Dollar, David (eds), World Bank, Washington, DC, 2004. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 19(1), 73–75.
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