Past events
The 16th H W Arndt Memorial Lecture - The international financial architecture for the 21st century
Takatoshi Ito discusses modifying the existing international financial architecture to accommodate the emergence of Asia.
Measuring trade in value added: how valid is the proportionality assumption?
Arianto Patunru discusses with the problem of trying to measure the domestic value added of exports when exports have a significant import content, as is common with globally fragmented production.
How to tax a banking oligopoly
Chris Murphy compares three proposed new taxes on financial services, including the Major Bank Levy recently adopted in Australia.
Student loan reform for Thailand: a policy story from the ANU/Asian economies interaction
The speakers discuss their protracted, and ultimately successful, joint effort to persuade successive Thai governments to introduce income contingent loans to students.
Female board representation and company performance
Nicholas Bayly introduces his research into the effects of female representation on corporate boards.
Airline fleet fuel efficiency
Zsuzsanna Csereklyei discusses energy-saving technological improvements and factors influencing fleet fuel efficiency in the passenger airline industry.
Oligopolistic banks in a small open economy
Sadia Afrin discusses the effects of market power in the banking sector.
The Philippine economy: no longer the East Asian exception?
Hal Hill discusses several key development policy issues in the Philippines and examines whether recent improved economic performance can be maintained.
Addressing crony capitalism in India: the Modi Government’s efforts
Sambit Patra discusses the Indian Government’s efforts to curb crony capitalism and assesses its success so far.
The cost of floods in developing country megacities: a hedonic price analysis of the Jakarta housing market
Budy Resosudarmo discusses the cost of regular flooding in Jakarta and its impact on house rental prices.
Updated: 15 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team