Special Autonomy for Papua: challenges faced and progress achieved in implementing affirmative action through legal intervention
Event details
Indonesia Study Group
Date & time
Friday 21 May 2010
Coombs Seminar Room B, Coombs Building, Fellows Road, ANU
John Roembiak
It has been recognized that the administration and development of the Papua Province has not yet fulfilled the sense of justice, the minimum level of welfare, and the respect for Human Rights for the whole Papua people. As a result, a special policy is required within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The Law number 21of the Republic of Indonesia entitles Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua has been introduced since 2001 in order to minimize the gaps between the Papua Province and other regions in Indonesia, to improve the living standard of Papua people, and to give wider opportunities to the natives of the Papua Province. Nevertheless, the implementation of this law requires a substantial set of operating regulations such as Local Regulations at Provincial Level (Peraturan Daerah Propinsi or PERDASI) and Regulations for Special Regions (Peraturan Daerah Khusus or PERDASUS). For example, in February 2010, the Constitutional Court has passed an amendment of the Special Autonomy law to allocate 11 additional chairs in the Papua Legislative Council (DPRP) especially for Papua indigenous representatives. However, the appointment of those indigenous representatives needs to be stipulated by the Regulations for Special Regions (PERDASUS). Another set of PERDASI and PERDASUS are also required to execute the Special Autonomy Law for Papua in terms of protecting indigenous land rights.
Mr. John Roembiak, the Head of the Legal Bureau of the Papuan Provincial Government, will define to what extent the affirmative action (special policy) mandated by the Law 2½001 has been and will be implemented as concrete steps to promote the protection and fulfilment of the basic human rights of Papuans. He will also describe what kind of cooperation needed between the central government and Papuan provincial government in formulating PERDASI and PERDASUS; and who will be in charge of framing PERDASI and PERDASUS at the provincial level and delineate their mechanisms.
Mr. John Roembiak, the Head of the Legal Bureau of the Papuan Provincial Government, will define to what extent the affirmative action (special policy) mandated by the Law 2½001 has been and will be implemented as concrete steps to promote the protection and fulfilment of the basic human rights of Papuans. He will also describe what kind of cooperation needed between the central government and Papuan provincial government in formulating PERDASI and PERDASUS; and who will be in charge of framing PERDASI and PERDASUS at the provincial level and delineate their mechanisms.
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