Dynamic impacts of geopolitical risks on electricity supply mix in OECD countries: moderating effects and its implications for clean transition in electricity sector
Event details
PhD Seminar (Econ)
Date & time
This research examines how geopolitical risks affect electricity supply mixes using advanced econometric methods on a monthly panel dataset of 23 OECD countries spanning from January 2010 to December 2023. The findings indicate that geopolitical risks generally boost countries’ energy self-efficiency by increasing both total and renewable electricity production while decreasing net electricity imports. The study also emphasizes the variability of these impacts based on the nature and transmission channels of geopolitical shocks.
To attend in-person:
Venue: Weston Theatre, JG Crawford Building, 132 Lennox Crossing, Acton ANU (Crawford School of Public Policy)
To attend online:
Zoom link: https://anu.zoom.us/j/88964984041?pwd=cUQ1OUxLMGVScFhONUVPWk9KTE0xQT09
Updated: 16 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team